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Terms & Conditions

Please note, we are a made-to-order bakery and are only able to accept a limited number of orders per week. Therefore, we DO NOT hold dates on our calendar without a paid invoice or deposit. All orders received will be prepared and shipped EVERY Monday thru WEDNESDAY via 2-Day UPS. If you are needing a rush delivery, please contact us via e-mail at



Orders placed within 1 week of pick-up time require full payment within 24 hours and are subject to a rush fee up. 


Your order will not be confirmed until orders less than $100 are paid in full or 50% non-refundable deposit is paid for orders greater than $100 with the remaining balance due 1 week prior to your pick-up, delivery, shipping date.


If your order is not paid for 1 week prior to pick-up, your order will be cancelled, and your non-refundable deposit will not be returned.

All payments are received via QuickBooks  invoicing.   



If you are needing to cancel an order, please contact me via Please note that all deposits, for orders greater than $100 are non-refundable.  Additionally, there are NO REFUNDS for orders cancelled less than ONE WEEK before scheduled shipping/pick-up/delivery.



Changes to orders are accepted up until TWO weeks before scheduled pick-up, delivery, shipping date. 



Due to the nature of the products offered, Lucille & Grace, LLC will not be responsible for any damages made during set-up, shipment, or transport that may occur. No refunds or price adjustments will be given.



Our products may contain or have come into contact with milk, eggs, wheat, soybean, & tree nuts. Therefore, we fully expect our customers to take the responsibility of notifying their guests of this risk and not hold Lucille & Grace, LLC responsible for any allergic reactions.

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